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Web Links

Useful websites

Below is a list of some useful websites. These have been displayed for information only.

Please contact us if you wish to be considered for inclusion in our site.


Chinese Brush Painters' Society

This is the main website of the national Chinese Brush Painters Society within the UK and has links to other useful sites.

Sumi-e Society of America

This Society aims to foster and encourage an appreciation of East Asian brush painting through workshops, lectures and exhibitions.

Oriental Art Supply

A family business supplying materials and publications relating to Chinese Brush Painting, including all Ning Yeh's videos/DVDs.


SACU, the Society which has promoted Understanding and Friendship between the peoples of China and the UK since 1965.

Yan Wang

Yan Wang, Morica, is both a contemporary and a traditional Chinese artist.

Asian Brush Painter Online Store, Hong Kong

A family run online store for Chinese/Japanese Calligraphy and Shodo, Chinese Brush painting and Sumi supplies, offering 10% discount for members of CBPS (Yorkshire).

Oriental Arts, Brighton

Louisa runs a mail order service for all Chinese Brush Painting materials.