12 | 03 | 2025

About Us

The Yorkshire Group of the Chinese Brush Painters' Society

The Yorkshire Group is a Group of the national Chinese Brush Painters' Society.  It was relaunched in April 2006.

The Yorkshire Group exists to:

  •  provide a focus for all who are interested in Chinese Brush Painting using traditional techniques and materials  
  •   arrange painting workshops with Chinese and other experienced tutors      
  •  provide information and assistance to all members on aspects of Chinese Brush painting.

The group currently numbers about 120 members.The Group aims to meet monthly for a painting workshop. These workshops usually take place at a weekend and may be 1, 2 or 3 days in length and are led by an experienced tutor. These workshops are suitable for beginners and also for experienced artists.

Meetings are held at the Pool-in-Wharfedale, Arthington Lane, Pool-in-Wharfedale LS21 1LG. This is on Arthington Road (A659) at the bottom of Pool Bank just off the A658 road between Bradford and Harrogate.  This venue has been chosen for its fairly central location for our membership, its parking, the excellent light, tables and space within the hall, and for the appropriate kitchen facilities.

A newsletter is circulated to all members after most workshops.  This contains instructions for painting, information on any exhibitions or appropriate events, photographs of members' paintings, information from the workshops, details of forthcoming meetings, and articles - in fact, anything that is of interest to members.

The membership year runs from 1 January to 31 December.  The fee for membership of the Group is still £5 pa (by email).  If you have no email, we can communicate by postage for £7.50 pa. Members joining after 30 September pay only the membership for the following year. 

If you would like further information before joining, please contact Anne Allan using the 'Contact Us' page on this website or ring Anne on 01422 368482. 


So if you are keen to try your hand at this type of painting, come and join our friendly Group!